Last month Ben & I were in Montana and we had a chance to stay a few days with my friends; Corrie, Tim & their son Ryan. They live on a large ranch in Central Montana. It is always a fun visit as we can play cowboy & cowgirl! I met Corrie years ago when we both wrangled horses for Muleshoe Outfitters in Glacier Park. We both led trail rides on the east side of the park at Many Glacier. Over the years I have spent a lot of time hanging out on the ranch – not as much since moving to Boise since it is much farther away than my old residences. It is always such a big treat to visit and live a simpler life = no traffic, its dark at night and it is so quiet and peaceful!
Here are a few pictures from around the ranch, roping, riding and some family photos. Enjoy!
OMG! I am loving this shoot. What beautiful scenery!