Yesterday I stopped by Once Upon A Horse in Eagle for a Dressage Show that was going on. While I was there Winter Speckticle (Riley) was born. It was the first horse birth that I have seen and I feel blessed to have been there for his first couple hours of life.
Love the chin shot Tracey!!!! Glad you could be there 🙂
Tracey, you have some priceless moments here, shared by mom and foal in those first precious moments. My favorites are in black and white. Great work!
Amazing pics! You have such a “magical camera” and clear spirit to be able to capture such tender moments between mare and her foal.
We are all so very grateful to be able to see life through your eyes.
Thanks Everyone!
I heard a great quote on the radio yesterday:
“A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera” – Dorothea Lange
Your photos of this beautiful new baby are indescribably delicious. Especially all those legs and curly baby whiskers…sigh… 😎
Thank you SOOOOOOO much for sharing!!!!!!!!
Candy & Don
Tracey – as always these are fabulous. I am finally home and want to put some pictures together…. can you set up a gallery so Chris and I can pick our favorite baby pictures?